Kathy Castor tweeted the following:
"Adems, necesitamos que estas personas jvenes inteligentes y talentosas realicen su gran potencial y puedan levantar nuestra comunidad. twitter.com/USRepKCastor/s"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Kathy Castor:
"El Senado Republicano est bloqueando el American Dream & Promise Act la cual provee un camino hacia la ciudadana para soadores. Ellos no deben de vivir en el limbo ni con miedo.tampabay.com/news/2022/11/0"Read on Twitter
"We need these smart and talented young people to realize their full potential and lift our community twitter.com/USRepKCastor/s"Read on Twitter
"The @SenateGOP is blocking action on the American Dream and Promise Act that provides a pathway to citizenship for #Dreamers. They should not continue to live in limbo and fear. tampabay.com/news/2022/11/0"Read on Twitter