Kathy Castor tweeted the following:
"El Senado Republicano est bloqueando el American Dream & Promise Act la cual provee un camino hacia la ciudadana para soadores. Ellos no deben de vivir en el limbo ni con miedo.tampabay.com/news/2022/11/0"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Kathy Castor:
"We need these smart and talented young people to realize their full potential and lift our community twitter.com/USRepKCastor/s"Read on Twitter
"The @SenateGOP is blocking action on the American Dream and Promise Act that provides a pathway to citizenship for #Dreamers. They should not continue to live in limbo and fear. tampabay.com/news/2022/11/0"Read on Twitter
"Looking for valuable experience in public service or interested in learning about how we serve our neighbors? Apply for my spring Congressional Internship here in Tampa or Washington D.C.! Current students and recent graduates are encouraged to apply castor.house.gov/constituentser"Read on Twitter